Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blog vs Wiki

In today's world, blogs and wikis are prevalent on the internet. A huge portion of the information on the webs can be found through both forms of internet writings. However, it is important to note the distinctions between the both of them.

Wikis are defined as a form of collaboration software that is a database that could "work". That means that the database can actually be used to perform work through the constant editing of the information. It allows anyone with access to the wiki to edit the wiki as desired, to update information and collaboratively create a body of information. There are multiple authors to a wiki, and the information is constantly changing. This can pose certain issues for very open wikis, as shown in a well known wiki known as Wikipedia. There are constantly immature individuals who edit blogs for laughs, misconstruing information as a hobby. Often, the edits to the original blog completely destroys all traces of hard work put into it. In other cases, the edits are completely inappropriate. This has led to the evolution of Wikipedia, since its reputation was being tarnished. Now the wiki has many more additional functions, such as indicating the last person to update the wiki, and an option to restore past versions of the wiki.

On the other hand, Blogs are similar in usage but have very key distinctions. First off, blogs only have one author to a piece of information. Through collaboration, people with access to the blog can post comments to further continue the conversation of the information trying to be communicated. However unlike the wiki, the original blog can never be edited by anyone other than the author. In one example, a person started a blog about his own neighborhood as a way to help others find their ways around the neighborhood. However, it gradually evolved into a blog that allowed a neighborhood to collaboratively gain traction against the criminal doings happening in their front doors. The collaboration through the blog eventually led to the arrests of local drug dealers, showing the impressive capacity and power of blogs.

As shown, blogs can be used to offer tips to those in need of advice, or can even expand to help catching criminals. All it takes is someone to initiate the collaboration, and the rest is simply collaborative input through comments to the original blog by its followers.

In the future, wiki can definitely expand in usage. I think in the future, wikis can possibly be used by education systems to provide cheaper and more expansive information to its students. If done correctly with the right moderation it is possible that the future can host educative institutions without the need for textbooks, perfect for the lower-middle to lower class families that carry a huge burden with every textbook purchase. This in turn can inspire future generations to actively expand their knowledge, and allow motivated individuals to continue their pursuit of information.

It is exciting what the use of the internet has done to the landscape of the world. I can't wait to see where it takes us, and to experience it first hand.




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