Ever since the evolution of the internet, there has been a creation of a P2P File Sharing platform. P2P file sharing stands for "peer-to-peer", which means exactly that. Your peers on the internet can share files with you that you need, or file sharing, and vice-versa. In many cases, the file sharing taking place is simply sharing a work that was done, a software that may be hard to find, or a way for users to collaborate to create one final piece. It offers the user unconventional ways to get access to what is needed more efficiently. However, it has also evolved into something negative. For example, the emergence of torrents have led way for users to pirate sensitive information / media, and share it to other people who are unwilling or unable to pay for these files by themselves. Such can be found through the pirating industry of music, movies, textbooks, and even sensitive financial data of companies.
Some of the known P2P file sharing companies are mediafire, megashare (which has been closed down), dropbox (using its link-sharing option), and googledrive (using its link-sharing option). Whether the use of such platforms may be, P2P file sharing has changed the ways that individuals approach, and view the internet and social media. Just like all aspects of social media, measures must be taken to ensure that the negative side effects are kept in check, and to make sure that a user's privacy is secure. This will allow for a more interactive and collaborative experience on the internet and new media.
I think dropbox is a very useful sharing site and it gives you more privacy as you can choose the audience. I also like google drive but it is more compatible with pdf files and documents than media files.